The Book

The Art of Charles Partridge Adams, by Dorothy Dines, Stephen J. Leonard, and Stanley L. Cuba was published by Fulcrum Publishing Co, Golden CO in 1993. Three substantial essays about Adams’ life and work are illustrated with 92 full color plates, clothbound, 11 ½” x 9″ 146 pp. (Sample pages appear below.)

A new paperback edition is now available from Amazon.
The original regular clothbound edition, published at $37.95 has been out of print for several years. A special “limited” edition, in a maroon “leather” binding, without dust jacket, originally priced at $100.00 is still available (new), signed by all three authors for $80.00 including shipping and handling, (media mail within the US).
To order, send a check with your mailing address to the address below. Allow two weeks for delivery.

Steve Andreas

1221 Left Hand Canyon Dr.
Boulder, CO 80302